Canadian Beef Breeds Council Elects Leadership for 2024
The Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) recently held their 29th Annual General Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan during Canadian Western Agribition with over fifty members and industry stakeholders in attendance. During the meeting the CBBC membership elected new Directors Eddie Marsman, current President of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association and Andy Schuepbach, a
current Director of the Canadian Hereford Association to the Board and re-elected for another term Kevin Blair, Marlin Leblanc, Rod McLeod, Scott Severtson and Shawn Wilson. They join currently serving Directors Ken Friesen, Dennis Serhienko, David Sibbald and Brett Wildman to comprise the 2023/24 CBBC Board of Directors.
At their recent Board of Directors meeting, the Directors re-elected David Sibbald as Chair of the CBBC Board. David owns and operates Triple S Red Angus with his family west of Calgary and is in his fourth and final year serving as Chair. Joining David on the Executive is Shawn Wilson as 1st Vice Chair and Marlin Leblanc as 2nd Vice Chair. The Directors also elected Ken Friesen as Finance Chair with Kevin Blair and Shawn Wilson joining Ken on the Finance Committee.
CBBC wants to acknowledge and sincerely thank retiring Directors Amanda (Matthews) Fileccia, Hal Nixdorff and Graham McLean for their contributions to the CBBC Board.
“There is significant time and energy that Directors volunteer to CBBC in their time serving on the Board,” explains Sandy Russell, CBBC Chief Executive Officer, “and we greatly appreciate all the contributions that Amanda, Hal and Graham have provided to CBBC.”
“On behalf of the CBBC membership, I want to personally thank Amanda, Hal and Graham for their guidance, input and support that they provided to our organization while serving as Directors in recent years,” acknowledges Chair, David Sibbald. “CBBC continues to play an important role in the Canadian beef industry and I look forward to working with this new group of Directors and our CEO to continue to advance the goals of our organization.”
The Canadian Beef Breeds Council works on behalf of its members to support the Canadian seedstock sector, promote Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally, and represent the seedstock producers by advocating effective policy, meaningful market access and enhanced competitiveness.

Back Row: Ken Friesen (Finance Chair), Shawn Wilson (1st Vice Chair), Kevin Blair, Marlin Leblanc (2nd Vice Chair), Eddie Marsman
Front Row: Scott Severtson, Sandy Russell (CEO), David Sibbald (Chair)
Missing from Photo: Rod McLeod, Andy Schuepbach, Dennis Serhienko, Brett Wildman
For more information contact:
Sandy Russell, Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Beef Breeds Council