Connecting Canadian Beef Genetics to the world

The recognition of Canadian beef cattle genetics internationally and genetic improvement initiatives are at the core of our mandate. We collaborate with organizations and government agencies in key markets to promote the attributes of our Canadian beef cattle genetics, production methods and regulatory systems.

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January 05, 2024

Canadian Beef Breeds Council Elects Leadership for 2024

The Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) recently held their 29th Annual General Meeting in Regina, Saskatchewan during Canadian Western Agribition with over fifty members and industry stakeholders in attendance. During the meeting the CBBC membership elected new Directors Eddie Marsman, current President of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association and Andy Schuepbach, acurrent Director of the Canadian Hereford Association to the Board and re-elected for another term Kevin Blair, Marlin Leblanc, Rod McLeod, Scott Severtson and Shawn Wilson. They join currently serving Directors Ken Friesen, Dennis Serhienko, David Sibbald and Brett Wildman to comprise the 2023/24 CBBC Board of Directors. At their recent Board of Directors meeting, the Directors re-elected David Sibbald as Chair of the CBBC Board. David owns and operates Triple S Red Angus with his family west of Calgary and is in his fourth and final year serving as Chair. Joining David on the Executive is Shawn Wilson as 1st Vice Chair and Marlin Leblanc as 2nd Vice Chair. The Directors also elected Ken Friesen as Finance Chair with Kevin Blair and Shawn Wilson joining Ken on the Finance Committee. CBBC wants to acknowledge and sincerely thank retiring Directors Amanda (Matthews) Fileccia, Hal Nixdorff and Graham McLean for their contributions to the CBBC Board. “There is significant time and energy that Directors volunteer to CBBC in their time serving on the Board,” explains Sandy Russell, CBBC Chief Executive Officer, “and we greatly appreciate all the contributions that Amanda, Hal and Graham have provided to CBBC.” “On behalf of the CBBC membership, I want to personally thank Amanda, Hal and Graham for their guidance, input and support that they provided to our organization while serving as Directors in recent years,” acknowledges Chair, David Sibbald. “CBBC continues to play an important role in the Canadian beef industry and I look forward to working with this new group of Directors and our CEO to continue to advance the goals of our organization.” The Canadian Beef Breeds Council works on behalf of its members to support the Canadian seedstock sector, promote Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally, and represent the seedstock producers by advocating effective policy, meaningful market access and enhanced competitiveness. Photo: 2023/24 CBBC Board of DirectorsBack Row: Ken Friesen (Finance Chair), Shawn Wilson (1st Vice Chair), Kevin Blair, Marlin Leblanc (2nd Vice Chair), Eddie MarsmanFront Row: Scott Severtson, Sandy Russell (CEO), David Sibbald (Chair)Missing from Photo: Rod McLeod, Andy Schuepbach, Dennis Serhienko, Brett Wildman For more information contact:Sandy Russell, Chief Executive OfficerCanadian Beef Breeds Councilsrussell@beefbreeds.ca306-281-7873

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October 19, 2021

RDAR makes Major Investment in CBIN Genetics Data Platform to Improve Efficiency and Profitability of Cattle Producers

October 19, 2021 (Edmonton, Alberta) – Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) has invested $640,000 in a collaborative research project with the Canadian Beef Improvement Network (CBIN) to springboard the development of a unified, standardized, and producer-accessible beef cattle genetics data platform. Through this platform, CBIN will provide commercial cattle producers and the entire beef production chain with access to critical data that will help better inform genetic decisions and improve environmental and economic sustainability. “Genetic data is essential to ensuring Alberta beef continues to be known worldwide for being the best. This project is a prime example of the innovation Alberta is known for, with industry groups working together to find new opportunities and new markets for their producers. I’m interested in seeing how this project benefits our ranchers and the province as a whole.” Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry To date, eight Canadian beef cattle breed associations have committed to participate in the development of CBIN under the leadership of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council. This data-driven platform will benefit Canadian cattle producers directly. CBIN will give producers access to on-farm, on-demand genetic information to improve herd quality and inform marketing and genetic selection decisions. Genetic data has value as a change agent. Today, genetic information is available to help producers make essential breeding decisions on fertility, growth, feed efficiency, disposition, calving ease, and carcass measures, to name a few. However, the beef industry underutilizes genetic data, and significant opportunities for producers to optimize their herd genetics are missed. By utilizing the CBIN platform to inform genetics decisions, producers will realize substantial benefits by capturing environmental efficiencies, improving animal and herd health and management, and validating product quality. The collaborative framework of CBIN’s genetic advancements and technological innovations will be vitally important for the whole Canadian beef industry. “Data-driven genetic decisions and adoption of innovative genetic technologies will benefit all segments of the Canadian beef production chain from conception right through to consumption. Genetics has the potential to create benefits across the board, in the areas including, but not limited to, production efficiencies, environmental sustainability, animal health and welfare, food security and food product outcomes.”  David Sibbald, President, Canadian Beef Breeds Council & Chair, Canadian Beef Improvement Network This project is unique as it seeks to bring an innovative solution to an existing gap in data capture, standardization, and digitalization in beef production. By adopting new genetic technologies and increasing genetic data literacy, Canadian beef producers will be better able to interpret the genetic data of their herds. By using data to inform breeding decisions, producers will improve economic efficiencies and reduce their environmental footprint. “Alberta produces some of the best beef in the world. To help our industry expand markets and compete globally, there needs to be an improvement in producers’ genetic literacy and the use of genomics within our beef industry. By understanding and sharing the linkages of beef genetic data, along with other production metrics, we will see increased profitability and competitiveness in our industry.”  Clinton Dobson, RDAR Director of Research RDAR is proud to support this research project. The work will drive the integration and adoption of genetic innovations, standardizing genetic data capture and simplifying data access, assisting Canadian beef producers in making better decisions. RDAR’s funding contributions – of which $576,000.00 comes from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) – are valued at $640,000 over 18 months. To learn more about RDAR research projects, please visit About the Canadian Agricultural Partnership The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion investment by Canada’s federal, provincial, and territorial governments to strengthen and grow Canada’s agri-food and agri-products sectors. This commitment includes $2 billion for programs cost-shared by the federal and provincial/territorial governments, with the programs designed and delivered by provinces and territories. About RDARRDAR is a not-for-profit organization that will continually consult with Alberta’s crop and livestock producers to set research priorities and distribute funds. Its mandate is: to support results driven agriculture research priorities and programs that will increase the competitiveness and profitability of Alberta’s agriculture industry. Arm’s length from the provincial government, RDAR is funded by two sources: The Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and Alberta’s Government through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership program. About CBIN The Canadian Beef Improvement Network is a collaborative network established to increase genetic data utilization, validate genetic influence, and drive market signals to create value within the Canadian beef industry. Members and advisors include: Canadian Beef Breeds Council; Canadian Cattlemen’s Association; 8 Canadian Breed Associations; National Cattle Feeder’s Association; Cargill; McDonald’s; Beef Cattle Research Council; Lactanet Canada; and AgSights RDAR Media Inquiries:Janada HawthorneCommunications LeadResults Driven Agriculture

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